15 research outputs found

    Communication Strategy Planning Of Majelis Taklim In Implementation Recitation Program

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    Majelis Taklim is a Non-Formal Islamic Education Society, as a forum for connecting silaturrahim, intensify ukhuwah Islamiyah, increasing faith and devotion to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala , and popularize  Islamic Da'wah. The purpose of this study is to find out how the Majelis Taklim’s efforts in improving recitation. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method in which the writer describes the efforts of the Majelis Taklim  in increasing recitation through interview techniques to woman as a member of Majelis Taklim with a population of 40 person. The sampling technique that using is total sampling techniques


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    Nowadays, humans today are inseparable from the sophistication of information and communication technology, all people can enjoy the sophistication of today's technology, be it children, adolescents, adults, and even parents who cannot be separated from technology. In Indonesia, the age range is from 15 years to 24 years and is the largest user. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling. The research subjects were 386 respondents and were active social media users. The measuring instrument used in this study uses an adaptation scale of dark triad personality by Jones and Pauhlus (2014) which consists of 26 items that the authors translate and adapt to the Indonesian culture. The purpose of this study was to describe the dark triad of personality among social media users. A dark personality is a personality that is dominated by negative behavior. The results showed 15.80% had high traits of Machiavellianism, 14.76% had high traits of narcissism, and 15.02% had high traits of psychopathy. Based on the results of the analysis of the mean value of personality factors based on the dark triad personality theory, it can be concluded that in general, the highest mean value is on the trait of Machiavellianism with a mean value of 21.09 and the lowest score lies in the characteristics of psychopathy, namely 11.20. Most social media users are Instagram with a percentage of 95.5% then Instant Massaging (Wa / Line) at 83.8% and Facebook at 53%.  The dark personality or dark triad personality is a personality that is dominated by negative behavior so that in the Islamic perspective it is included in the personality of anger, which means that the individual tends to the character of the body and teaches the principle of enjoyment

    PEMIHAKAN MEDIA DALAM PRAKTIK DISKURSUS ISLAM (Sebuah Analisis Wacana Kritis dalam Program Kabar Khusus Episode "Wawancara Ekslusif Pengakuan Pengantin Bom Istana" di TV ONE)

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    Terorisme telah menjadi berita utama di berbagai media massa, Pasca peristiwa 9 September di gedung WTC, kata “terorisme” semakin mengumandang sampai ke penjuru dunia. Indonesia pun kemudian tidak ketinggalan turut menjadi bagian yang subur, baik dengan aksi terorismenya dan berita kekerasan terorisme di media televisi lokal. Wajah dan ciri teroris tidak pernah terlepas dari agama Islam termasuk di dalamnya simbol-simbol agama Islam. Untuk itu penelitian yang berjudul “Pemihakan Media dalam Praktik Diskursus Islam (Sebuah Analisis Wacana Kritis dalam Program Kabar Khusus Episode Wawancara Ekslusif Pengakuan Pengantin Bom Istana di TV ONE)” ini dilakukan bertujuan menganalisis salah satu tayangan/pemberitaan di TV ONE sebagai salah satu televisi swasta di Indonesia sehubungan dengan wawancara ekslusif terhadap sepasang suami istri terduga teroris beberapa hari setelah ditangkap oleh tim Densus 88 anti teror, karena memang media selalu memainkan peran penting untuk mengkonstruksi realitas baru dan kerap mengutamakan berita kekerasan sebagai sumber untuk meningkatkan eksistensi dan menarik lebih banyak perhatian penonton. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis wacana kritis versi Norman Fairchlough yang dianggap cocok membedah keseluruhan tayangan guna melihat tiga level penting yaitu, level teks, level praktik kewacanaan, dan level sosiokultural. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teks dan konteks suatu berita merupakan satu kesatuan yang saling mempengaruhi. Sepanjang durasi tayangan yang diteliti terlihat adanya indikasi penyeragaman pemaknaan khalayak sesuai ideologi media dan hegemoni suatu kelompok dominan. Kata Kunci: Analisis Wacana Kritis, Pemihakan Media, Terorisme, Diskursus Islam

    The Influence of Organizational Communication Climate on Cisral Library Performance in Padjadjaran University

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    This research raised about the effect Organizational Communication Climatic of CISRAL’s Library Performance at the University of Padjadjaran, and also tells about every point of the indicator: trust, participatory decision making, openness in communication, listening in communication up to and think about the goals of high-performance. This research use survey descriptive and quantitative survey explanatory with path analysis which is used to determine the influence of the independent variable of organizational communication climate dimensions (X) with the confidence indicator, participatory decision making, openness in communication, listening in communication up to and think about goals high performance to the performance of the library (Y). Based on the results of this study can be concluded the discussion of organizational communication climate influence directly and indirectly to the performance of the library at the University of Padjadjaran CISRAL

    Critical Discourse Analysis of Terrorism Issues in TV ONE’S Special Report

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    Terrorism has made headlines worldwide mass media since the 9/11 incident at the WTC building. The word "terrorism" has been reverberating all over the world, including Indonesia. This article aims to explore the discourse of TV ONE’S special report interview program entitiled “Confession of “bride” for a suicide bombing”. Qualitative discourse analysis of Norman Fairchlough was employed in analyzing the interview report trough three levels of discoruse comprising texts, discourse practice, and sociocultural level. The results showed that the text and context of news discourse is one entity that influences one another. Besides, there is also an indication of uniformity of meaning for the audiences in line with the media ideology and dominant hegemony of certain groups


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    The phenomenon of feminism is a phenomenon that has been circulating for a long time in the wider community, especially in the mass media, even though the media actually have an idealism, namely to provide correct information. This requires the media to act as a means of education so that readers and listeners have a critical attitude, independence, and depth of thinking. The findings will be presented in this article. The construction of the media will determine the audience's perception. However, in reality, commercial dynamism is the dominant force in determining messages and content in the media. Market logic like this tends to direct the organization of information systems in the media, including gender studies. Although the definition of gender is still an increasingly dynamic debate, globally and etymologically, gender is defined as a trait inherent in both men and women that is socially and culturally constructed. The injustice experienced by women in the context of media coverage ultimately becomes a weapon for liberal feminists to continue to receive the support of women's thoughts due to the visual image of women in the media which often seems unfair. The media has always made women a commodity-based on market demand. The market in question is a society that is deeply embedded in a patriarchal culture. This study is a conceptual study with more focus on literature review in the framework of gender equality and mass media


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    Tujuan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah (1) Meningkatkan capacity building wirausaha muda mahasiswa/alumni Universitas Islam Riau (UIR), (2) Mahasiswa/Alumni memiliki bekal softskill dan hardskill dalam menjalankan usaha dengan competitive advantage, (3) Terbentuknya kantin terapung sebagai “Hangout place” untuk dapat mengembangkan bisnisnya. Sasaran  adalah 20 mahasiswa/alumni yang merupakan pebisnis pemula di lingkungan Universitas Islam Riau. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah: a. Belum memiliki capacity building sebagai bekal kemampuan untuk berbisnis; b. Keterbatasan modal; c. Keterbatasan sarana dan prasarana; d. Minimnya kreatifitas produk/differensiasi; e. Kompetensi pengelola yang masih konvensional; f. Belum memiliki model bisnis yang terintegrasi. Solusi permasalahan adalah program pembinaan kewirausahaan, melalui konsep bisnis kreatif yang berbasis pada socio-technopreneurship. Kantin terapung menjadi “Hangout place” bagi para mahasiswa/alumni untuk dapat mengembangkan bisnisnya. Program yang dilakukan adalah: a. Pelatihan pengembangan skill entrepreneur yang berbasiskan socio-technopreneurship; b. Pelatihan peningkatan softskill/hardskill entrepreneur; c. Magang pada industri mitra; d. Memberikan bantuan modal usaha dalam pengembangan usaha mandiri; d. Pendampingan terhadap wirausaha menjadi wirausaha mandiri. Hasil PKM adalah a. meningkatkan softskill dan hardskill mahasiswa/alumni UIR sebagai pebisnis pemula, b. UIR memiliki “Hangout place” bagi para mahasiswa/alumni untuk dapat mengembangkan bisnisnya, dan c. Lima wirausaha mandiri

    ”PESAN DAKWAH PADA KATA BIRRUL WALIDAIN” : (Program Pengabdian di Majelis Taklim Kelurahan Mundam, Dumai)

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    Globalisasi di berbagai aspek kehidupan turut memberikan dampak negatif terutama bagi anak-anak. Gaya hidup, tontonan, idola, dan banyak lagi aspek yang jika tidak diperhatikan secara serius akan menambah semakin semu kualitas dan peran dalam sebuah keluarga. Orang tua dalam hal ini harus benar benar mengontrol dan memberikan pendidikan mengenai makna dari “birrul walidain” agar tidak hanya mengharapkan anak yang berbakti namun juga menjadikan anak tau bahwa nilai tersebut bersumber besar dari agama Islam. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di RT 01, Kelurahan Mundam Kecamatan Medang Kampai Kota Dumai, dengan jarak tempuh menggunakan jalan tol sekitar 2 jam 40 menit, kegiatan ini nantinya akan memberikan pelatihan kepada ibu-ibu majelis taklim RT 03, Kelurahan Mundam Kec. Medang Kampai tentang Birrul Walidain. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk memberikan ilmu pengetahuan kepada ibu-ibu untuk mendidik anak menuju, Birrul Walidain. Harapannya setelah mengikuti kegiatan ini agar ibu-ibu memperoleh bekal ilmu pengetahuan untuk diberikan kepada anak-anak  menuju hidup Birrul Walidain, agar anak-anak ini kelak punya masa depan yang cerah, menjadi generasi yang hebat, akhlak yang baik sehingga memperoleh kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat

    Fenomenologi Literasi Media Pada Remaja Di Kota Pekanbaru

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    The 4.0 of industrial revolution had a considerable impact on the advancement of media and information technology. The flow of information that can no longer be dammed causes anyone, as a media user, to be ready and have a filter to use it. The impact of the media has a great influence on the younger generation. The ease of access makes this media an inseparable important part of adolescents, including teenagers in Pekanbaru City. However, in today’s reality not a few teenagers who are trapped in the nature of access. This phenomenon is of concern to researchers to find out how media literacy experiences among teenagers in Pekanbaru City by Individual Competence Framework. Adol escents referred to in this study are students who sit in the Senior High School in the City of Pekanbaru, which is a representation of the teenagers. The research method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The results of this study indicate that media literacy experience in adolescents in Pekanbaru city is a three level of adolescent, there are: technical skills at the medium level, and critical understanding at the basic level. At the level of non-formal education, adolescents barely get it from the family, but instead get it from the peergroup

    Remaja dan Media Baru

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